Experience On Both Sides Of The Court Room

Sex Offender Registry In New York

The sex offender registry in New York is public information, which means that employers, potential employers, friends, neighbors and relatives can all access it. Being on the registry can negatively impact all aspects of your life.

If you have been charged with or convicted of a sex offense in New York City, The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe is here to help you understand more about the sex offender registry and the possible legal approaches that may benefit you.

What Is The Duration Of The Registry, And Is There A Possibility I Can Get Off It?

The length of time that you can remain on the sex offender registry depends on the assigned level. The New York sex offender registry has different tiers:

  • Level 1: This is reserved for people who have a low potential of being a threat to the community. However, they must register for 20 years unless they have a designation like a sexually violent offender.
  • Level 2: Individuals may have committed offenses that were more serious, and they may have a history of re-offending or failing to comply with treatment or supervision. They must be on the registry for 30 years, after which they can petition for removal.
  • Level 3: This class of offenders must register for life. They also face the most restrictions and the closest monitoring.

To get off the registry, you must meet specific criteria outlined by the state. A sex crime defense attorney in New York can help you with post-conviction – appeals and sentencing.

Life After Being On The Registry

You may still have legal obligations, such as complying with probation or parole requirements. Work with your sex crime defense attorney to know how to get off a sex offender registry in New York or for probation and parole violations.

Your Future Matters – Let Us Help

With over two decades of experience, our team offers comprehensive, compassionate representation for those accused of crimes involving child pornography, public exposure, sexual assaults and more. Call The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe at 212-235-1510 or reach out to us online for a free initial consultation.