Have You Been Charged With DWI?
DWI charges can happen to anyone. If they happen to you, having an experienced New York criminal defense attorney in your corner can help you put the charges behind you as quickly and smoothly as possible. At The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe, we help New Yorkers fight drinking and driving charges with sophisticated strategies backed by our attorney’s background as a former prosecutor at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Reach our office today at 212-235-1510.
What Should I Do Next?
For most people, a DWI is the most serious criminal charge they will ever face. Most people are unsure what to do next. They may feel that there is no sense in spending money defending themselves against DWI charges because they think that once the state has a BAC (blood alcohol content) reading over the legal limit, then there is no way to beat the case.
That is not the case. There are many ways to successfully defend against DWI charges, including questioning:
- Was there probable cause to stop you?
- Was the Breathalyzer functioning properly?
- Was the officer properly trained in conducting roadside sobriety tests?
There are many other ways to successfully defend against DWI charges. We encourage you to come in and discuss your case with attorney Jeffrey Chabrowe.
Possible Consequences Of A DWI Charge — Other Than Jail
DWI in New York involves more than just facing criminal charges. Your driver’s license will be suspended through an administrative process that is separate from the criminal proceedings. You need to begin taking action quickly to preserve your driving privileges. The administrative process runs on a different calendar and it is easy to miss crucial dates if you do not act quickly.
Even if you get your license back, you might have nothing to drive. One of the most shocking aspects of being charged with a DWI in New York City is the fact that the police can take your car. To secure the return of your car, you may need to pay impound and towing fees. However, the city does not have to turn your car back over to you just because you request it. Under the forfeiture laws, they can decide to keep it. Your only option then is to fight the forfeiture action. In New York City, you should always be able to get your car back for a first-time DWI charge.
We can help you fight for the return of your driving privileges and car in addition to defending you against drunk driving charges.
Attorney Jeffrey Chabrowe has generated positive outcomes in many high-profile cases. Review our In the Press page to learn more.
What You Need To Know About Field Sobriety Tests
If the police have ever pulled you over on suspicion of drinking and driving, they likely asked you to get out of your car and perform certain physical tests. These are called field sobriety tests. Their purpose is to help the officer build a case for probable cause to arrest you for DWI.
Though different law enforcement agencies use different field sobriety tests, the standardized field sobriety tests include:
- Walk-and-turn test: The officer orders the driver to walk heel-to-toe, following a lane marker or other straight line, for several steps, turn and walk back. This is supposed to test the driver’s balance and coordination.
- Horizontal gaze nystagmus test: The officer has the driver keep their head facing straight ahead. The officer passes a pen or other object across the driver’s face and orders them to follow it with their eyes. The eyes of someone with alcohol in their system will “jerk” while moving horizontally in this way.
- One-leg stand test: As the name implies, the officer has the driver lift one foot a few inches off the ground and balance on the other foot while counting for several seconds. Any swaying, dropping the foot or use of arms to maintain balance supposedly indicates intoxication.
One problem with these tests is that they depend on the officer’s judgment. An inexperienced or incompetent officer could mistakenly conclude that the driver has failed. They also might fail to take into account factors such as a driver’s disability, weather conditions and the gradient of the road. As a driver in New York State, you have the right to refuse field sobriety testing without risking criminal charges, driver’s license suspension or any other penalty.
The roadside breath test is also standard. This involves having the driver blow into a small electronic device that measures alcohol on the person’s breath. The public often does not realize that these results can be inaccurate too. Improper calibration or administration by the officer can yield an exaggerated reading. Refusing to take the roadside breath test is not a crime, but it is a traffic infraction that will suspend your license for a year and cost you a $500 fine. Whether you should decline the breath test depends on the situation you are in.
We will carefully review what happened at your traffic stop for signs of inaccurate field sobriety testing and contest those grounds for your arrest if we find them.
DWI Defense Lawyer Serving Manhattan And All Of The New York City Area
At The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe, we help our clients with all aspects of their DWIs. We offer highly effective defense against criminal charges, we defend people’s driver’s licenses against suspensions, and we can help recover your car if the city has taken it. Attorney Jeffrey Chabrowe is a former prosecutor with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. He has almost 20 years of criminal law experience that he uses to help his clients secure positive results.
Make sure you have an effective defense against DWI charges and all related issues. Turn to The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe. To schedule a consultation, call 212-235-1510 or contact us online.