Experience On Both Sides Of The Court Room

My office received a subpoena. Now what?

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2022 | White Collar Criminal Defense

When there is suspicion of criminal activity, investigators will begin the process of looking into every aspect of the lives of those suspected of the crime. This means that, if you are a suspect in a case, it is possible that law enforcement will research and evaluate both your personal and private life extensively. If you are a suspect in a white-collar case or your business is implicated in an investigation, you may be subpoenaed.

A subpoena is a legal request for certain types of documentation. It may also be a demand for you to attend a hearing or appear in court. When you receive a subpoena, you may be unsure of what to do next, and you may not be certain of whether you should provide the requested documents. Your interests are at stake, and what you do next matters. You will benefit from learning more about the legal options available to you.

The legal requirements of a subpoena

It is beneficial to begin working on your defense strategy as soon as you learn that you are under investigation. If you receive a subpoena, this is a legal requirement that demands you adhere to the terms of the document. Failure to comply could result in civil penalties and criminal penalties. Attorneys can seek a subpoena as a way to get information that will help their client’s case. Types of information often sought with a subpoena include the following:

  • DNA samples and blood test results
  • Computer files and downloaded information
  • Income tax returns
  • Graphs, charts and photographs
  • Medical bills and insurance records
  • Employee records

You might receive a subpoena in different ways. Someone could deliver it by hand, or it could come through email, hearing it read to you or through certified mail. Ignoring a subpoena is not an option, but you do have the right to take steps to protect yourself or the interests of your business.

An appropriate defense strategy

The ideal defense strategy is one that is custom-tailored to the needs of your New York business and the details of your individual case, including whether the court has subpoenaed you or charged you with a crime. Whether you are a business owner seeking to defend your company from legal consequences or an individual hoping to defend your personal freedom, you will benefit from taking immediate action to learn about the specific legal options available to you.